Choose The Right Medical Tests to Optimise Your Health

I don’t know about you (maybe its just I’m a geek), but the older I get, the more interested I get in my health – of course as a Yoga Therapist I have a bit of a head start, but i’m still interested in all the information I can get!

Like all DK books this is a simple and accessible format with plenty of visuals.    Its approach is to go through the basics of health and health monitoring – in particularity some of the tests you may have, routinely or if you are unwell, and what they mean, along with how to influence the results.  Sections include Monitoring Your Health, General Adult Tests, Optimizing Your Health, Other Tests and Records.

Its a useful way to approach health and quite functional.   Of course, this isn’t a medical text book per se, its very much a consumer product, however for those of us in complementary health who don’t normally get involved in physiological tests its a useful reference.

Worth a place on your bookshelf.

You can buy Body Mot by Dorling Kindersley on Amazon, and this link warns Yinspire a small commisison