Is Stretching Good for Us?

At first glance this may sound like a perverse question for a Yoga Teacher to ask, after all stretching is what we teach, right? Yes, No, Maybe.  The answer is more nuanced. Stretching is thought to help loosen the body and give us more flexibility, and within Yoga...

Yoga Ancient and Modern

Sometimes Yoga can be a little confusing to someone looking in from outside. If you ask Google “what is yoga” then, at the time of writing, you get 2,660,000,000 results – clearly a number of views! If you were to look at some of the first results that come up, a...

The BioPsychoSocial Approach to Health

You may have heard the old joke about the plumber called to a Doctors Surgery for a blocked sink – “Put a paracetamol down it and call me again in the morning if it is still blocked” said the Plumber to the surprised Doctor. Behind this joke, however, is a truism – we...