
The book stems from the long running blog of the same name.  The Yoga for Health Ageing Blog is the only yoga blog I read daily, and to that end I was looking forward to a book which took some of the issues covered on the blog one stage further.

Alas, this wasn’t that book.  Whereas the YfHA blog is a good resource for teachers and experienced practitioners, the book I feel is a little more entry level.  Don’t get me wrong, its not a bad book in any way, just not quite what I was hoping for.

What we get though is a super practical guide for practitioners on using Yoga in daily life to help ease the ageing process.  Its a fact we all get older, and as we do so loose strength, flexibility, balance, agility – this book is about how we recognise that and use Yoga to help slow the changes and adapt to them.  And as you’d expect from too very accomplished writers, they do a good job.  For anyone coming to yoga for the first time, or someone looking to step up from a class a week to a more regular home practice, this is the book.  And don’t be deceived by “ageing” – fact is, like it or not, we are all ageing, even if we are in our 20s (sorry to the millennials reading).

So I would suggest this book for anyone looking to integrate yoga into daily life for well-being and longevity of health-span.  Its a good read for teachers as well to help refresh understanding, but I look forward to a hypothetical follow up work, “Yoga for Healthy Ageing – the teachers manual” to go deeper into some of the blend of yoga, physiology and philosophy that the authors cover so well in their daily writing.

Yoga for Health Ageing by Baxter Bell and Nina Zolotow is available from Amazon, and using this link allows Yinspire to earn a small commission.