The possibility of Yoga benefiting Mental Health is self evident to most, if not all, in the Yoga word,  However best practice for adapting Yoga to Mental Health conditions is more uncertain.

In this book the editors bring together contributions from a number of practitioners, mostly Yoga Therapists, who are pre-eminent in their area of Mental Health, and for each area look at psycho-pathology, lived experience, Yoga’s possible benefits, research and best practice suggestions.   Areas of Mental Health covered include Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Insomnia, Trauma, Eating Disorders and Schizophrenia.

This book is a resource for professionals in both Yoga and Health or Medical disciplines rather than end users; although an experienced Yoga practitioner may find the content of use, it does need to be caveated  that a professional training in Mental Health or Thereputic Yoga is necessary to contextualise the content.

Having trained professionally with one of the editors, for me this book was useful as a refresher, and will continue to be a useful reference and best practice guide.  Its one I would recommend to anyone in the field.

Yoga for Mental Health edited by Mason and Birch is available on Amazon