At over 500 pages, this book was, for a long while, considered one of the seminal works in the use of Yoga for well-being.  This was the first time I had read it – so many books, so little time! – and my feelings were mixed.  Certainly a through and comprehensive work, but perhaps dated now and certainly it comes across as a little reductionist in places. 

However set against those observations is the comprehensiveness of the book – its big and covers a lot of content.  After sections covering the science and practice of yoga, there are chapters dedicated to a wide range of conditions, each by a separate contributor, covering areas as diverse as Anxiety and Panic Attacks to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, and stopping by Heart Disease, Back Pain, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, and many others – 20 in all.

Who is this book for?  Well maybe Yoga Teachers seeking to widen their skills, maybe Yoga practitioners looking to use their Yoga to help a particular condition.  It is maybe of interest to Yoga Therapists as a reference work.

However I feel in general its dated, and there are probably better sources of information come to the fore in the last 13 years.

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