Today is Guru Purnima, the festival when Yogis traditionally pay respect to their teachers and gurus.

I’m grateful daily for the teachers who have had a regular practical influence on my yoga journey:

Carol Macartney – the warm figure leading the first yoga class I ever ventured into, and to whom I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude

Emma Spencer Goodier – for challenging, inspiring, supporting and holding space. And for the gentle touch when it all goes awry.

Rachel Price – for a sweet, consistent class each week. No drama, just space to grow and learn.

Nicky Short – for guiding me through the emotional and often challenging journey of training as a yoga teacher, and for encouraging me to embrace the practices which I initially shied away from.  For pressing my buttons as well.

Norman Blair – for deepening my knowledge and experience of Yin Yoga, an gift of immeasurable value.

Gary Carter – with whom I am studying anatomy thought this year and next, discovering a sweet insight in the physical temple of my soul.

I could list others – the authors who have resonated particularly with me, those who’ve led workshops I’ve attended, the friends in class and the local community of teachers and yogis, and those I connect with online.

My deepest respect and gratitude.

Hari Om Tat Sat